Home > Where Do We Even Start?

Where Do We Even Start?

October 27th, 2009 at 08:23 pm


I need some advice on what to do! We have a ton of money going out which leaves us with little for food, gas, etc. and we're quckly falling behind! Not to mention we often get slapped with overdraft fees in our account, because we struggle to keep track of what's going out, timing with bills, etc.

At the beginning of this year we had two credit cards with high interest and high minimum payments, so we contacted Take Charge America and are using them to help pay that debt off. The good news about this is we have not used ANY credit since that time.

We also had our student loans deferred for one-year, but that time is now up and will have to start paying on them again.

We are way upside down on our vehicle loans, we could maybe get $8,000-$9,000 for each of them, but that leaves close to $10,000 left over.

We have also debated selling our home and renting or buying something for a lower monthly cost, but with the poor market (and our home equity loan) we are also upside down on this and would have about a $20,000 difference if we could sell for top dollar.

Our Debt:
Debt Total Owed Min Pmt Interest
Mortgage $144,714.97 $1,246.97 5.875%
Home Equity Loan $38,766.17 $463.25 10.66%
Car #1 $14,054.99 $415.00 8.84%
Car #2 $11,300.30 $265.00 8.39%
Student Loan #1 $38,192.57 $230.00 3.62%
Student Loan #2 $16,649.01 $131.00 3.62%
TCA $20,100.00 $515.82 2%
TOTAL DEBT $283,778.01 $3267.04

Our Monthly Expenses:
Item Monthly Cost
Utilities $185
Water $65
Phone/Internet $80
Mobile Phone $100
Direct TV $54
Insurance (all) $225
Storage $45
Child Care $600
TOTAL $1354

TOTAL MONTHLY EXPENSES (not incl. food, gas, etc.) = $4621.04
LEFT OVER AMOUNT EACH MONTH FOR food, house items, misc. = $578.96

I have tried to set up a budget, but get extremely frustrated when I know I need to budget for food, household items, clothing, car/home repairs, gifts, pet expenses, school expenses, etc. and have a very small amount of money per month to do that with. I don't know how to prioritize these things. AND, if I'm supposed to set money aside for clothing, repairs, etc. and can't, what do I do when those expenses come up and it's either use money for that or to cover all the bills??

We have a 6-year old, 3-year old. My mother stays with us during the week and takes care of our kids (she goes home on the weekends), so basically we have a 5-person household (keep in mind grocery expenses, household items).

We have $0 in savings. My husband has started a small photography business and we're starting to gain some small income from this (I would like to put this toward a $1,000 emergency fund for the time being).

We have made EXTREMELY poor choices with our money from the beginning...that is even an understatement! We want to turn this around, but we are so overwhelmed, we don't even know how/where to start! I am open to/desperate for any feedback or suggestions! Please, be kind!


I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to respond to my post and give me some much needed financial advice! Two things I was able to get out of this experience: 1- A huge amount of great suggestions and 2-Hope that we can get out of this hole we have dug. I appreciate all of the positive and helpful feedback. I posted on several sites to get the most information I could.

I thought that I would share our plan developed from all of the wonderful suggestions I received:

- Move everything out of storage and into the house, asap.
- Begin selling all unused/unneeded items in the house.

- We need to continue our internet service as we need this for my husbands photography.
- We will be dropping our landline phone and Direct TV.

Mortgage and HEL:
- I have looked into refinancing with our current lender and have been told that there is not enough of a difference in current rates (home is at 5.25% and HEL is at 11.25%) for it to be beneficial. Note: our current HEL rate is 10.66%.
- We may still consider a short sale down the road, but only after we have made other adjustments...I think this can be avoided and we can hold out until the market improves.

- We have inquired with our lender about refinancing, however the lowest rate they offer is 7.696%, so it is unlikely we will be successful with this.
- We will inquire about rates/refi options with other lenders.
- We plan to either trade them in for cars less than $2,500
- sell the cars and buy cars less than $2,500 (however, I am not sure if we can get an unsecured loan to cover the difference).

- We currently have our life, home and vehicle insurance through State Farm.
- We plan to talk with them to inquire about a lower rate for our vehicles.
- We also plan to call around to other insurance companies to check rates.
- We will also add a gap policy on the home and vehicles because we are upside down on those loans. I understand this is a small cost (only a few $'s per month).

Student Loans:
- We will request another deferral.

Tax Withholding:
- We have adjusted this in the past and currently get a small amount back and I don't feel comfortable cutting this anymore to avoid the possibility of having to pay in.

- We plan to utilize Angel Ministries (there is a location nearby) where we can purchase groceries for $30/week.
- I also plan to utilize coupons more and shop for cleaning supplies, etc. at our local dollar store. It is an extra trip, but will save money.

Day Care:
In our area having two children in day care would cost WELL over $200 a week. We live in a smaller town in Wisconsin, I'm sure day care costs are much more in other areas and I'm surprised at the criticism I've received about the costs we pay for day care. I would challenge anyone to beat it. We are paying my mom $150 per week (or $30 a day) for one full-time and one part-time child. We are already saving a large amount of money on our day care. I can talk with her about lowering this, however we recently lowered what we paid her by $100 a month (we were paying her $35 a day, but since my son is in kindergarten, we reduced this) and she partially relies on this income as she retired early to do us a favor and watch our kids. There are many benefits to her watching our children: she is their grandma, she takes care of light cooking, laundry, etc. while she is home, we don't have to take the kids out to a day care center, we don't have to miss work if the kids are sick, we don't have to stress or rush home if we're running late at work to avoid late fees, and the list goes on and on.

Second Jobs:
My husband receives regular business doing photography, mostly through friends and co-workers. This comes at little to no cost to us, except his time which is by no means a lot. I received some criticism about this, but so far there have been very few negatives and financial cost to us as his business is becoming well established and he has several repeat customers.

We have two dogs (one is 12 yrs old) and one cat. Our pet expenses are food, litter and yearly exams (we rarely have to pay above standard yearly exam fees...our pets have been very healthy). Our children are very attached to our pets and we are not willing to find other homes for them.


23 Responses to “Where Do We Even Start?”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Welcome, glad you have joined us!

  2. gamecock43 Says:

    Welcome to the blog site. you will find that as you talk about money- things will start to organize itself better because you are putting daily thought into it. You will also find that recording purchases will make you feel accountable or guilty about the purchase because you will have to later talk about the purchase and it's consequences. blogs help.

  3. ceejay74 Says:

    Oh, welcome! Glad you took me up on it. Smile This will be a great place to share your progress (and setbacks) on the steps you have outlined.

    I look forward to hearing more!

  4. LuxLiving Says:

    Welcome - saw you over on the forums.

    Well, first off I'd talk to another lender about the house refinance. They are not the only game in town.

    As I said on the forum, you need to stop debting if at all possible. Get a beginning emergency fund set up and then work to get out from under the cars like you've outlined above.

  5. poohstixx Says:

    As of January we have stopped ALL credit card spending and have not taken out any loans. So, that is one positive for us!

    I have an appointment to meet with our Credit Union tomorrow to explore options for refinancing the home/home equity and vehicles as I got nowhere with Wells Fargo today.

  6. NJDebbie Says:

    Welcome! You are on the right track. I think that $600 for daycare is a bargain, especially since it's grandma taking care of your precious little ones. You will find a lot of great ideas here. Good luck as you continue on your path to a debt free life.

  7. CouponAddict Says:

    Welcome, as you blog about day to day items you will get more suggestions on small ways to cut the budget or get a better deal.

    My big suggestion is to check out resale shops like once upon a child since you have a 6year old and a 3 year old, some of that storage has got to be baby/outgrown stuff that you can resale at a consignment type shop for $ to help build up that Emergency Fund and help reduce the storage. If it is in storage do you really NEED it?

    Good Luck!

  8. LuxLiving Says:

    poohstixx, that is good news on the debting! Big Grin It's extremely hard to dig out of the hole otherwise.

    Good luck at the credit union!! Let us hear how it goes.

  9. Petunia Says:

    Welcome! Looks like you've got a great plan!

  10. homebody Says:

    $600.00 a month for child care and light housekeeping is a bargain. Don't spend too much time here... I know, I know, I'm crazy, but spend the time working on being frugal. It takes time to be frugal!

    My only suggestion I have is I noticed State Farm for life insurance. You should have Term Insurance, not whole life, universal life, etc. It is far cheaper with far more coverage which you need with a young family. We are insured with State Farm too except for our life insurance that we found through Select Quote many years ago.

    So you have a menu plan that your mom cooks or what? Planning with food is a huge help with the budget, but I'm sure someone on the forums said that already.

    Anyway welcome!

  11. poohstixx Says:

    Thanks for the welcome everyone! I know this will not be easy, but it's great to have this fantastic support!!! I think I mentioned before, but we really feel like we are at a crisis point and are ready and willing to do whatever it takes to change our spending habits.

    I have started shopping at resale shops and garage sales for kids clothing, but it can sometimes be a challenge finding the right sizes. Luckily my youngest can wear everything the oldest grows out of!

    We do plan to sell as much as we can that we do not use. A lot is baby items, but we have one due in May, so will be able to use most of it one more time! If it's another boy we'll be set on clothes for a while! Otherwise, I have a couple of girlfriends with girls who have already offered to hand down their clothes to us.

    We do have Term Insurance policies with State Farm. We called today and they said our rates is as low as they can go. We will check out a couple other companies though too, just to compare.

    My mom is awesome and will cook anything I ask...she actually prefers to work off a menu and helps plan it, so that does/will help especially as we become more frugal.

    I plan to post about what we find out about better rates, etc. and the direction we go with vehicles, insurance, etc.

  12. whitestripe Says:

    welcome to SA. it seems you have really tackled this head on which is refreshing change for a new blogger - it usually takes a while for some people to accept they really have to change their lifestyle. i am looking forward to reading your progress, you will find lots of helpful advice and support here.

  13. poohstixx Says:

    Trust me, this isn't the first time we've said we need to do something different and then fallen back into bad habits, BUT this is it! We're 100% committed...we have to be!

  14. Broken Arrow Says:

    I think I remember seeing you post in the forums. Welcome to the blogs!

  15. lizajane Says:

    Welcome! Sounds like you have some gotten some great advice already. I look forward to reading about your progress. I have no children so I can't compare notes about daycare, but the benefits you listed plus countless ones you didn't list well justify that cost. I hope hubby's photography side job takes off. It's a good time of year for family photos, so maybe he can work on that aspect of it and get extra jobs lined up.
    Regarding the dollar store purchases for cleaning supplies, etc, there is loads of information on the internet of cheap alternatives you can make for glass cleaner, etc, rather than buying pre-mixed items. You might look into some of that also.

  16. poohstixx Says:

    Thanks for the suggestions regarding cleaning supplies. I will look into that. I like the idea of homemade ones that are probably less harmful on the environment, safer with kids around, etc. and less expensive!

  17. CouponAddict Says:

    QUESTION: You said your mom lives with you during the week and goes home on the weekend.

    What would she save by giving up her apartment? I am guessing she only has a apartment because of only going home on the weekends. Maybe she could move in with you fulltime and then if she saves $600 on rent you could make a deal where she could reduce your daycare by $300 in exchange for her living there rent free. WIN WIN she gets reduced rent and you get even more reduced daycare/house care.

  18. Mooshocker Says:

    I like your plan. Try, however, visiting the library for internet needs and cut that out of the budget. Another suggestion is a veggie garden. If done properly, it can really pay off all year round. God bless and welcome.

  19. poohstixx Says:

    My mom just bought a new modular home and put it on the lot of her dreams. Plus, my dad still lives there. Having her sell and live with us would not be an option. Thanks for the suggestion though!

  20. Coffeetweak Says:

    I left you a post on the other website, if you want to have this blog contribute to your financial recovery.

  21. Personal Finance Student Says:

    Welcome and good luck with your goals. We're all in this together! As far as the menu goes, I have found it really helpful to base my menu off of the sales. I coupon too which helps tremendously, but if you don't have the time to do that, you'll see a difference in simply basing your meals around the sales. Good luck!

  22. Lia Says:

    Can you apply to make your student loan interest rate lower thereby making the payment lower? A friend of mine did this successfully. I think you can only do this once in the life of the loan. I don't know all the ins and outs of student loans.

  23. best & cool writings Says:

    It's hard to save money! Moreover, it is hard to start doing that! Let's do it together!

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