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Archive for November, 2009

Selling Our Home - Short Sale

November 15th, 2009 at 02:07 am

We have the paperwork into the credit union to consolidate the vehicle loans and get a lower interest rate and lower monthly payment. I hope to hear it will all be finalized next week.

We've also decided to make a big leap. We put our house on the market today. Over the past few years we've decided we want to move to Maryville (outside Knoxville), TN to be closer to some family. We do owe more on our house with or mortgage and home equity loan that what we will probably be able to sell it for, so we will end up with a short sale. However, it will be a relief to be out from underneath at $1250 mortgage payment and $465 home equity loan payment. We will probably be around $10-20,000 short.

My mom just got a modular home set up and was actually living in a mobile home I previously owned (bought new when I went off to college). Our plan is to sell our house, move into the mobile home (and save/pay off debt as much as possible), my husband will apply for a job and once he has an offer we will make the move down.

It quite a step, but we think it's the best decision for our family and may actually provide us with an opportunity to have several months without a mortgage/rent payment that we can really make a big dent in our debt.


November 5th, 2009 at 03:01 pm

I am totally coupon illiterate. I'd love to use them, but using a couple here and there...I don't. And, shame on me, sometimes I use a coupon and buy an item I don't really need, just because I have the coupon. I'm looking for some suggestions on how to learn to find good coupons (good websites and other resources), organize them, take advantage of good deals (double coupons, etc.) and not have to spend forever doing it. Lay it on me, folks!

Satellite, Internet, and Phone

November 3rd, 2009 at 12:25 am

Today we eliminated our satellite and land line phone! We went from paying about $130 for all three down to $35 for Internet alone. That's another $95 savings per month. This in combination with reducing our interest rate and payment on our vehicles by $180 makes a GRAND TOTAL of (drum roll please!) $275 a month!!!

Our next pay day is Friday and we plan to implement our envelope system!